Tuesday, August 10, 2010

day three, August 9th, Boston

Went to the JFK Museum. This is a museum all about John F Kennedy, US President from 1961 to 1963. I'm a history buff and I loved it. It was exceptionally well done, lots of film, static exhibitions, recreations. You could see why he charmed so many people, and he had a wonderful wit.

It does make you think about our own politicians. There has been the odd pollie with a wit, but people like Lange and Muldoon were more into sarcasm than anything else - JFK seemed more engaging. And the wonderful phrases he coined - can anyone recall anything memorable said by John Key or Helen Clark.

The 1960 election between Kennedy and Nixon was a sort of passionless campaign in some ways. The main issue was dealing with Communist aggression but both candidates took similar lines. Nixon emphasised his experience as veep. JFK emphasised the need for new policies. He only just won in the end. Interesting to consider history if Nixon had won.

I rather thought the Museum might have a fair bit on Ted Kennedy who died about a year ago, but strangely it didn't have much. I rather think he was the most productive of the three brothers in some ways. Part of the museum was about the civil rights movement. Interesting to have a black man as President today.

Why don't we have museums in New Zealand about our leaders. I wonder how many history students in our schools could even name a PM other than Key and Clark.

The Museum is right beside Massachusetts University so I had a look around there.

then of course I got totally lost trying to find my way back home. Tried to get on a bus but eventually had to reverse my steps and go back to the Museum. Struck the same bus driver who looked at me oddly and offered her help. Americans are so helpful I find.

Have been swimming in the big pool here. I must look a sight with my pale winter skin and fat belly... oh dear!

Today was Museum day, I also wandered around the Museum of Science which is right next to the hotel and that was very impressive too. the centrepiece is a section on whales... I had hoped to get away from that subject!

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